Logged out 71 Wochen vor
Last scanned 71 Wochen vorÜber Speediesfmg
Speedie is known throughout the kingdom as a rogue who could outsmart anyone. Whether it was sneaking into a heavily guarded castle or outmaneuvering a group of bounty hunters, Speedie always found a way to come out on top. He is quick-witted and resourceful, but also had a heart of gold. Known for helping those in need, he had gained a following of supporters who praised him for being a hero in his own right. Despite his reputation as a notorious outlaw, Speedie never lost sight of his values
Kontaktinformationen |
.warmach1ne |
71 Wochen vor abgemeldet
Zuletzt gescannte 71 Wochen vorAusrüstung
54 Item Level
Kernstatistiken | |
Stärke: | 143 |
Beweglichkeit: | 306 |
Intellekt: | 38 |
Ausdauer: | 188 |
Geist: | 67 |
Offensiv-Statistiken | |
Angriffsstärke: | 675 |
Haupthand DPS: | 89.64 |
Aus der Hand DPS: | 67.26 |
Nahkampf-Kritik: | 18.76% |
Fernkampf-Kritik: | 8.00% |
Defensiv-Statistiken | |
Verteidigung: | 307 |
Rüstung: | 1,861 |
Dodge: | 22.39% |
Parry: | 5.28% |
Resistenzen | |
Feuerbeständigkeit: | 8 |
Heiliger Widerstand: | 0 |
Schatten-Widerstand: | 18 |
Widerstandsfähigkeit der Natur: | 8 |
Arkane Resistenz: | 8 |
Ressourcen | |
Gesundheit: | 3,223 |
Energie: | 100 |
RealmID: 2656
CharacterID: 1049731